1. Who is GAIN?
GAIN is abbreviated for Global Advertising Internet Network (Non-Government Foundation) a registered advertising, sales and marketing company since 26th January 2012. This system was divinely inspired of GOD Almighty AbbaYAH our IO, Creator of ALL Creation. It offers an online shopping and trading platform from an administration back-office, e-wallet account management system that promotes products and services and builds a community support network of trading partners in an affiliate referral marketing program to a global marketplace, tracking all business trading activity for record and book keeping purposes. GOD's plan for salvation is a jigsaw puzzle that comprises of many pieces that collectively ensures a better future for mankind. Creating unified trade relationships and building a utopia money free environment, free of taxes, loans, interest and crime to end poverty and oppression forever.
GAIN 2U NETWORK Private Contract Association and GODZONE Credit Exchange Private Society is an exclusive 24/7 online business and consumer pay it forward, referral shopping network designed to create value for individual members who sponsor new trade partner relationships through an affiliate referral marketing program that rewards the sponsor a 50% share of the 100,000 Credit, platinum membership subscriptions of all new members they personally introduce. This enables all members to receive regular weekly contributions to support Business advertisers with product and service exchanges within the classified advertising network. The trading system uses digital credits (€) Credit Euro, where no cash, money or fiat currency is used to exchange for products and services, except for the monthly recurring administration donation subscription of €20 Euro Dollars that covers all incidental operation costs. The digits are simply used to track all business activity within a private capacity as a record keeping facility for book keeping and accounting purposes only. The credits become valuable when exchanged for true intrinsic worth on resources (products) or sweat equity services (labour), so it is important to trade goods and services. When used in the correct manner the trading platform will prove to be a future commodity.
2. Who is CONG?
Coffee Outbreak Network Group is a private and exclusive commercial online network group who meet regularly to promote, trade, barter, purchase, exchange and speed network together to improve sales, profit, import and export to build a global economy of international traders. It is FREE to join but every meeting has a charge to participate with the program, whether in a zoom conference call or at a café for a coffee or meal that will be supplied. The meetings last for up to 2 hours and involves commercial and consumer activities focused on promotional sales of products and services from participating members of the cooperative business alliance from within their local district.
3. What is GAIN Global Trader?
GAIN Global Trader (GAIN2U MATRIX) is a separate on-line classified and bidding auction site developed to move products and services and to create a global trading platform for commercial advertisers and individual consumer members of the GAIN 2U Network. If you are an advertiser, you will need an active PayPal Account to establish the initiating pledge of €10 Euro Dollars €10 Euro Dollars. We are an affiliate referral marketing network, so you are required to sponsor 10 New Subscribers within the first month of joining and adding 1 New Subscriber each month thereafter or 12 new members a year. Most people will have more than one account and invite more people than they need, because of the affordability of the initiating pledge of €10 Euro Dollars. You will also need to upgrade to the website and pay a onetime setup pledge of €250 Euro Dollars and €20 Euro Dollars each month thereafter to spend your credits, so ensure there is enough credit for this to be covered, by topping up your account with currency equal to (€) Euro Dollars. If you are a purchaser, you must ensure that your transaction and exchange is completed within 3-7 days nationally or 14-21 days internationally. This is done in private between you and the advertiser. Deliveries can be arranged at a cost to the purchaser and payments can be made to the advertisers elected credit-euro or paypal account, to settle the transaction and exchange.
4. When were the businesses established?
Coffee Outbreak Network Group was established on 21st September 2011 and Global Advertising Internet Network was established on 26th January 2012 and both fall into the advertising, sales and marketing business category.
5. Do I need to have a PayPal or Stripe account?
YES. Simply go on-line to www.paypal.com or https://stripe.com/ and enter your details. Select your country, language and the account that best suits your activity. Complete the application process, agree and create your account. You will need a debit or credit card to complete the process.
6. What are the different payment methods?
We currently accept payments via Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Direct Credit, Bank Transfers, Automatic Payments or recurring PayPal or Stripe and our own private medium of exchange from back-office vouchers and e-wallet payments.
7. How do I join?
Simply go on-line to https://gain2umatrix.com/ and www.gain2unetwork.com and click on Enroll, then enter your details. Join a Plan and submit your application. Ensure your information is true and correct as you will be required to verify your email address from a link sent to your email account, junk or spam folder. Either, click on the link to complete your profile and activate your account or login using your username and password and complete the application process. In the back-office account settings you can make a payment or upgrade your membership plan to start introducing people to earn credit rewards. You would need a PayPal or Stripe account already setup to pay your platform usage fee and activate your account with currency to the value of (€) 250 Euro Dollars, being one year in advance and set up a monthly payment of (€) 20 Euro Dollars for each month thereafter.
8. Who can join?
We do not have any restrictions to age, gender or ethnicity, so anyone can join. However, if you are a minor under 18 years of age, you will require parent or guardian consent and they will be required to manage your account until adult age. You may also have restrictions with banking facilities when applying for a debit or credit card and opening a PayPal account, so it may require a guardian to consent to making application themselves as an additional account.
9. Can I have multiple memberships?
Yes, GAIN & CONG allows you to own as many memberships as you want expanding the ground to earn more rewards and earn as much referral trade/barter credits as you desire. You can even sign up under yourself as many times as you like, providing you meet the weekly recurring service fees and obligations for each membership on the gain2unetwork.com site and the monthly recurring service fees and obligations for each membership on the gain2umatrix.com site. Therefore, there will never be any saturation point.
10. What are the obligations of the membership?
To ensure all pay it forward DONATIONS are current and up to date by ensuring the Box, ‘AUTO DEBIT’ Maintenance Fees From your E-Wallet Balance’ is checked in your back-office homepage of the gain2unetwork.com site, under the Referral URL links, to ensure you stay up to date with your payments and remain a Trusted Trading Partner.
To introduce 10 or more NEW Trade Partner Memberships within the first month of joining and then adding a minimum of (12) Twelve New Membership Subscriptions per year or 1 New Trade Partner Membership per month.
To upgrade from a FREE Membership Plan upto a PLATINUM PLAN Membership Subscription "Pay It Forward" Payment Plan and the PLATINUM AD PLAN to list Unlimited Items once you receive credits.
To have the option to be members to our crypto-currency affiliates that ensures value exchange. (i.e: TBC and BTC)
To pay a 1/10th or 10% tithe on all business activity, including any voucher transfer of credits from the gain2umatrix.com site, less the 10% Tithe. This can be rebuilt from your community support network and pledge and upgrade plans from your commitment to sponsoring new members and the collective efforts of the NEW Members that you personally introduce.
To spend the weekly gifted Digits, (€) Credit Euro on products and services from other affiliate members, advertised within the network.
To list your unused or excess products and/or services back onto the Advertising Platform and become a Drop-Ship Re-seller.
To comply with the Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, Disclaimers, Ethical Marketing, FAQ's, (USA) Universal Sovereign Authority Laws/Lores and any Policies of the Cooperative Business Alliance with the Company.
To upload a Certified True Copy of your Birth Certificate, a Photo ID like your Driver’s Licence or Passport, Proof of your Current Address that matches your profile information and a Current Photo of your True likeness to your back-office for validation and verification purposes ONLY.
To ensure your personal and business profiles are completed, current and up-to-date at all times.
To uphold the company's integrity by weeding out unethical and dishonorable behavior to eliminate or reduce crime.
11. How fast can I get started after I sign up?
Once you have enrolled to create an account, there is an approval and acceptance process within 24-48 hours. you are required to validate and verify your email address before you can login in. Remember to check your inbox, spam, junk and trash folders for our message with your verification email link. You cannot be approved until you click on the confirmation link in the email.
After approval simply login to your back-office account using your username and password and then complete your personal and business information.
Using a mobile phone or digital camera, take photos and upload the information below to your back-office account settings, basic information page, using the upload feature. You can upload up to 5 Photo images.
Upload the following:
1 x Current Photo of your True likeness holding 2 forms of ID each side of your face.
1 x Certified True Copy of your Birth Certificate.
1 x Photo ID - Drivers Licence or Passport (or both).
1 x Proof of Current Address that matches your Profile Information. (Utilities Bill, Bank Statement etc)
If there is a change in circumstances, then the documents will need to be updated to accommodate the change, otherwise your account can be suspended until remedied.
Pay your external monthly administration subscription, being one year in advance, and you’re ready to go. This MUST be done before you can receive any transferred Voucher Credits, (€) Credit Euro and be recognized as a Trusted Trading Partner.
by selecting a membership plan on the gain2unetwork.com site, allows you to start introducing other new members to this opportunity by sending them your very own private referral link found in your back-office to their email address or direct them to the main website to register at www.gain2unetwork.com and complete the information necessary to create an account. Remember to inform them to change the Sponsor ID to YOUR sponsor username i.d to get started or they will default to admin.
Refer people to purchase our advertisers products and services by simply inviting your social network from your back-office with a Banner link, Email Referral Link, or Text Code and you are ready to start sponsoring people.
12. Do I need to sell any products?
All you have to do is to refer people to join as members and increase consumers that earn weekly recurring referral trade/barter credits to purchase from the Global Advertising Internet Network, GAIN Global Trader or in a CONG Private Business Meeting with trade/barter credits and benefit from the discounts on sales from products or services that have been advertised by our Commercial Advertisers. Every member is required to exchange a minimum of 50% of their credit rewards for products and services to improve global trade and rebuild our global economy. However, if you see the logic in becoming a trusted trading partner to create your very own enterprise, then the answer is yes, as we always encourage new business to the global cooperative business alliance and this is part of doing your share of the workload. Also there are Real Estate and Business Ventures listed on the gain2umatrix.com site that pays 50% commission on listing and success fees.
13. How does it work?
Join a plan and start introducing people to earn credit rewards from personally sponsored member subscription fees, when you upgrade from the bronze, silver, gold and platinum plans. Introduce as many people as possible in the shortest possible time. Exchange a minimum of 50% of the credits received from the pay it forward system on products and services within the network or risk losing them. As an independent business owner you can list, trade, barter, promote and exchange products or services and only pay a 10% success fee on items sold. Our Advertising Plan offers unlimited listings in the advertising network at no upfront credit cost of the gain2unetwork.com site. Additional fees may apply on other features offered. The success of the system relies heavily on all consumer and commercial advertising members participating in the program.
14. What are the Membership Plans?
Login to your back-office using your username and password. Click on Account settings and choose a Membership Plan of your choice and pay with your Godzone Credit Exchange digits from your e-wallet account. Please ensure you are a financially active member or you will be suspended to remedy or permanently terminated and this may affect you in the future.
1 MONTH FREE PLAN – Costs 0 Digits and receives 0% or 0 Digits from every privately sponsored membership subscription you introduce.
This plan allows new members to register, verify their email and upload their documentation to validate and verify their identity and to start referring 10 or more New Trading Partners within the first month of joining and 1 New Trading Partner each month thereafter into their family genealogy tree to receive transferred Voucher Credits from the gain2umatrix.com site to start trading.
Upgrade when you earn incentive rewards from Plan 1 to 6 of the pledge and upgrade plans.
Once a member receives Voucher Credits from the gain2umatrix.com site they can upgrade on the gain2unetwork.com site to a suitable plan with the goal to receing the best plan results from the Platinum Plan Membership Subscription and Platinum AD Plan, where their account will be debited the fees associated with the platinum plan and its pay it forward rewards strategy.
100 Credit-Euro to earn 50 Credit-Euro from each New Subscriber you privately recruit.
1,000 Credit-Euro to earn 500 Credit-Euro from each New Subscriber you privately recruit.
10,000 Credit-Euro to earn 5,000 Credit-Euro from each New Subscriber you privately recruit.
PLATINUM PLAN – Costs 100,000 Digits and receives 50% or 50,000 Digits from every privately sponsored trading partner membership subscription you introduce. Platinum members collectively hold up to 50% of the systems, membership “pay it forward” share values and through the exchange of products and services the values hold true intrinsic value, as a trading commodity.
The Company Shares 50% of the Platinum Membership Subscriptions of each New Trading Partner you personally introduce. The more people you refer into your team, the more weekly credit residuals you receive to exchange for products and services with other members who enable the system to have real true intrinsic value attached to tangible products and services and credit-euro current-see, energy exchange.
15. What are the Advertising Plans?
Login to your back-office using your username and password. Click on My Ads and choose an AD Plan based on the quantity of items you intend to list and pay with your Godzone Credit Exchange digits from your e-wallet account. Please note that you will need to regularly update your AD Plan to keep your item(s) live on the advertising network.
PLATINUM AD PLAN - Costs 0 Digits and allows you to list UNLIMITED items in exchange for a 1/10th or 10% tithe on any items exchanged.
Extra Costs
Featured Ads – Costs 100 Digits per advertisement.
Home Page Promotions – Costs 500 Digits a week.
CONG Business Meetings – Costs 100 credits/€ Euro Dollars a meeting. (Includes Meal). Initially the CONG Meetings are paid in CASH and NOT Credit. We hope to arrange suitable catering outlets that will deal in credit. Keep watching this space.
Please NOTE, that if you list only one item for sale and it is sold, you will need to personally delete the item from your back-office advertisements to avoid multiple purchases being made that will need to be reimbursed unnecessarily. The Classified Advertisement Listings is designed for on-going sales and multiple listings. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please note that misleading advertising or unethical and dishonorable behavior will lead to suspension of accounts to allow for remedy of such misconduct before your account can be re-activated. The GAIN Foundation works on a 3 Strike Rule before your account will be permanently terminated and the loss of all entitlements, so please keep the integrity of this trading platform and the GAIN Foundation, intact. Please also take note that the private medium of exchange of credit-euro and the Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society reserves this right as the commodities are owned by GOD Almighty I'O, YAHuah.
16. Is there any other additional costs?
There are NO other external costs unless you intend to increase your credit-line with external crypto-currency top-ups and tangible products and services exchanged on the trading platform with the company or its members. We are currently setting up a valuation assessor department to assess the values of item(s) that can be exchanged for credit-euro current-see, energy exchange. Once you exchange your products (resources) and services (sweat equity or labour) for credit-euro with the valuation assessor, those item(s) are no longer yours and are owned by the GAIN Foundation which is also owned by GOD Almighty I'O, YAHuah.
Internally it does not require any cash, money or fiat currency or the use of EFTPOS Bank and Credit/Debit Cards or Loyalty Store Cards. It uses Digital Credits, (€) Credit Euro ONLY via online internet services. One (€) Credit Euro is equal in value to One (€) Euro Dollar in fiat or crypto-currency as a bench-mark value, ONLY in value and nothing more.
However, once you are operating your credit account there will be internal costs in digital credit euros of 10 to 25 Digits fixed donation charge on withdrawals/transfers and above that a 1/10th or Ten Percent (10%) Tithe on ALL business activity made within the internal Ad campaigns or any transfer of Digits within the network and weekly platinum membership subscriptions that will be automatically debited from your personal e-wallet account. You must ensure your back-office e-wallet account has the "Auto Debit" box checked to accommodate the extraction of any said fees. Failure to do this will result in a serious breach of trust and your account(s) can be suspended to remedy or terminated immediately.
17. How do I pay for items listed in the Advertising Network?
In the Godzone Credit Exchange you need to login to your back-office with your username and password. Click on Create New Ad and complete the Advertisement. The advertisement will need to be approved before it goes live. Please ensure your advertised products and services do not cause harm. We will list items that are not accepted for trade or service.
If you want to purchase an item from the Godzone Credit Exchange, you will need to login to your back office using your username and password, go to the top Tabs Bar and click on ADS and then select and open the item you wish to purchase. Click on Add to Cart to purchase the item and then go to the top right of the panel and click on Your Cart items. Select the quantity of items you want (if any) and go to Checkout. Select e-wallet and then continue. You can then contact the seller to arrange delivery of your item(s).
To create more sales, you may require a promotional listing on the home page or featured listings to give you better company exposure and brand awareness.
18. How do I pay for items listed in the GAIN Global Trader?
Simply login to your GAIN Global Trader and gain2umatrix.com account and when you choose an item of interest you can use your credits from your e-wallet account or go to PayPal or Stripe and pay for it. If you have insufficient funds you can request a voucher code from your GAIN 2U Network e-wallet account to credit the GAIN Global Trader e-wallet account with credits to cover the costs of the success fees and the cost of any items of interest and vice versa (Exchange between Both platforms). Remember, all transactions, transfer, exchanges will incur a 1/10th or 10% tithing that is filtered back down to infrastructure and hue-manitarian projects.
19. Why should I attend CONG Private Business Meetings?
A team of foundation representatives conduct live structured and organized Private Business Meetings for Commercial Advertising Members to meet for coffee and breakfast to promote their business products and services in person to GAIN Consumer Members to get referrals that lead to sales with GAIN Consumer Members that have earned referral trade / barter credits by sponsoring NEW Members. There is a cost to these events per seat. We encourage all commercial advertisers to provide product and pricing catalog's with wholesale and retail pricing to accommodate both the commercial wholesale drop-ship supplier and/or retail consumer interest. Please note that due to the Global Covid-19 Lockdowns, we have been holding zoom meetings instead of face to face. These meeting can be productive and informative to allow real-time business referrals and private business presentations from members.
Commercial Advertising Members are encouraged to build a network of other Commercial Advertising Members and Consumer Members to earn weekly recurring referral Trade Credits. By referring and earning, they can exchange, trade or barter, products and services from other Commercial Advertising Members in our live private business meetings and this keeps business in-doors and boosts morale with other Members. Commercial Advertisers can also recruit consumer members by offering employment opportunities or contractual agreements. Manpower Outsourcing provides 10 Hours Voluntary Community Services from their Paid Volunteers to offer to Non-Government Foundations, providing they offer 10 Hours or more at a set hourly pay rate or wage structure. Choices are limitless.
Commercial Advertising Members, promote, trade & barter their products and services in a 30-60 second presentation that teaches you more about their business and the products and services they offer to pique a consumer members interest to buy their items for sale. We encourage commercial advertisers to bring their best selling item(s) for display purposes and it would be in their best interest to have a supply of item(s) on hand or close by, as item(s) are often exchanged within these meetings.
Consumer Members are guaranteed to spend a portion of their minimum of 50% of their trade / barter credits to exchange for products or services within these business meetings and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits, currency or deposited with Central Finance & Investments LTD for big ticket items like houses, luxury toys and lifestyle. All transfers incur a 10% Exchange Fee (Tithing).
Houses will be more affordable in Aotearohaa (Jew Zealand) as you are only paying for the buildings and chattels NOT for the LAND and its amenities. ALL land in Aotearoha (Jew Zealand) will be leased on 1-year term intervals with a right of renewal to extend another 1-year and so on. If the land is worked and is productive for the commercial harvesting, then the leases are normally extended and maintained. There is NO room for laziness and everyone is expected to provide their services, even if they are preparing meals for the workers from the produce of the land, hence the voluntary community services of manpower outsourcing.
Trade / Barter Credits cannot be used at any non-participating Retail Outlets, so it is in the interest of everybody to become a member of our global cooperative business alliance. We offer each shareholder voucher transfers between both platform 1, gain2umatrix.com site and platform 2, gain2unetwork.com site to trade with our network. We can also purchase their entire stock, buildings and chattels at an agreed value of exchange to encourage them to become a member of the network and still remain involved with the business on an advisory capacity, working directly with the Guardians Of Divinity AD-Ministers.
It is a place to network and trade with other Commercial Advertising Members and Consumer Members with an opportunity for Commercial Advertisers to offer employment opportunities and/or contractual agreements (covenants) to assist with their business growth and speed network with other independent business owners in your local area or giving you the opportunity to trade internationally. Gavin, also known as Kawenata is also very active with CONG and regularly attends its meetings as a promotional icon figure that promotes its members and their products and services. Gavin takes his fiduciary responsibilities seriously when working for the FATHER of ALL Creation and he expects everyone else to do the same.
There is a GAIN and CONG Referral System, 10-20 minute presentation at every meeting for your guest visitors to get an insight into how the Referral & Loyalty Rewards Program works.There is a cost for this privilege. If you would like to market and promote your business in front of commercial wholesale drop-ship re-sellers and retail consumers, then we suggest you book your spot-light position in advance.
You become more encouraged to participate in the program when you see your Local Chapter's Membership increasing and other (FAM) financially active members, actively participating just like you. Remember that if you were consistent and invited a NEW Member to join every week without fail you would be earning compounding weekly recurring referral trade / barter credits for as long as everyone stays qualified and keeps paying service fees.
There is also a Pledge Ceremony for New Commercial Members who join the cooperative business alliance when they meet the society's criteria of:
20. What should a visitor expect at a CONG Private Business Trade & Barter Meeting?
You will be expected to pay a due of €200 Credit-Euro for the meeting you are attending by going online to purchase a Private Business Ticket in the advertising area of the Syndicate 1000 Group website under category subscriptions or paying and pre-booking a seat at the NEXT Business Meeting directly, a month ahead of the next meeting.
Note that currently the costs are in CASH until you have Credits and we are still trying to negotiate trade in Credits or some other agreement with our physical venues.
If you join you will have the opportunity to speed network with other independent business owners/commercial advertisers and consumers/members and you will be given the chance to put some personalized business cards in the back of the members, business card file box or on the list of Business Directory Services with their Virtual/Digital Business Cards. Once a fully pledged member, your card will be alphabetically positioned or categorized in our list of attendees.
A speed network sheet will be handed around for members to arrange appointments with other members outside of the general business breakfast meeting. This allows members to get to know the community at large through the eyes of its cooperative business alliance. Many members in the same industry can regularly correspond and forge joint ventures for the future sustainability of each COOP industry.
Our Chapter's, Leadership Team will be introduced to you and you will be introduced to the team.
You will receive a roster with commercial advertising consumers/members information on it or if a new chapter is being established, you will receive only the current members list as the chapter’s membership reaches capacity.
All commercial advertising consumers/members will introduce themselves and their cooperative, give a 30-60 second commercial about their business and define the type of referral they are looking for, as specifically as possible. They tell short stories, show things, provide samples of their product or service, sing, whatever, to create an indelible memory for you to purchase their product or service with referral trade/barter credits earned from referring new memberships to the GAIN Referral System.
As the "commercial" triggers a "you should talk to X", members will complete referral slips, which are available on the table or in the comments section of any zoom meeting held. You are encouraged to do the same. This referral can be yourself or someone you know that may be looking to purchase a product or service within the group at the local CONG Private Business Meeting you are attending. If you are confident, well presented and articulate in communication, you can apply to become a facilitator of your own CONG Private Business Meeting. (Conditions Apply)
Our commercial wholesale drop-ship re-sellers are always on the lookout for discounted or special order products below wholesale price as they make their profit margins up to retail sale price and share that profit margin 50/50 with the cooperative and its syndicate 1000 group who then shares their share 50/50 with the syndicate portfolio the sale came through, who again shares their share 50/50 with the member..
When commercial advertising members have finished, the consumer members who are commercial/consumers and who want to join as a commercial advertising consumer/member will have the opportunity to give a 30-60 second introduction of themselves and follow the above routine. Please note that this is always based on time allowences.
Some internal business will be conducted - upcoming events, speed network events, trade BBQ events, Public Career Evenings, recognition ceremonies, community markets etc. We also conduct the pledge ceremony with new commercial advertising consumers/members, time permitting.
Outside these events in the car park and on grassy fields (depending on weather conditions) there will be commercial community markets under gazebo market stalls 3m x 3m space at a pre-booked cost of €20 Euro Dollars an hour from 5am to 5pm Sunday to Friday, leaving Shabbat/Sabbath Free for Worship between Friday 6pm to Saturday 6pm. Limited spaces at these event will encourage our commercial advertisers to act quickly in securing these lots. Gazebo, table and Chairs are available for Hire by pre-booking your Market Stall site.
A Network Card will be handed around to every member to arrange appointment times and dates for members to associate, get to know each other and do business, outside of the Private Business Meetings for extra activities. Trade BBQ's, Career Evenings, Fund-raising, Bingo Events, Shared Lunches, Family Picnic Days, Worship Gatherings, Wananga Education Days, Cultural and Dating Events and many other up-coming events occur outside these meetings.
There will be a 10 minute presentation on the GAIN Referral System and occasionally one of our Affiliate Companies and their products and services to encourage network growth with our invited visitors to join as new (FAM) financially active members.
Then... the real reason we get together... Referral Time! Each person stands, introduces themselves again, and give any referrals they have. Members get the opportunity to personally purchase products or services with the referral trade/barter credits at these meetings.
Visitors will follow in order with the group and when it is your turn you may give referrals, purchase products and services or simply comment on your reactions to the meeting and you can connect with your referring sponsor to take the initiative to join the GAIN Referral System so you can start earning referral trade/barter credits.
After the meetings members can share in the festivities outside but within the community market that is open to the public, but in a private setting for members ONLY.
21. Can I promote more than one business in a CONG Private Business Meeting?
No, you can only promote one primary, privately owned coop business in any CONG Private Business Meeting you attend. This includes visiting other Chapters. If you have multiple memberships you would need to organize a Substitute to present each different business. This way you are looked upon as a reputable business and not a scam artist. We build relationships based on trust, honor and a loyalty program. However, you can promote or recommend any other Advertising Consumers/Members business in your own Chapter or any other Chapter anywhere in the world.
22. How do I know new commercial members are reputable?
The application asks for references and we have a membership committee that checks them. Its word of mouth, so before a potential commercial member even comes to our meetings they had to have spoken to someone or been invited or referred by someone in the group. Everyone has to have a sponsor, or they join admin, and the sponsor interviews the applicant. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to make sure that the commercial is a reputable person or company before introducing them to the GAIN and CONG Referral Systems and everyone is subject to rules, protocols and recommendation, terms and conditions, privacy policies of each Chapter and above all the GAIN and CONG Ethical Marketing Standards. Our members are also proactive in calling people out, that are NOT legit as their behavior can affect the reputaion of our whole industry.
23. What if a Commercial Advertising Customer/Member gets a referral and does poor work?
We have an ethics committee and it is imperative that anyone who gives a lead and finds out it was not satisfactorily handled must report that to the membership committee, who will investigate. A breach may constitute a stand-down period to rectify the problem and if a severe breach occurs, it may constitute termination from the network entirely and a loss of any further entitlements.
24. What are my basic requirements as a consumer member?
To personally refer new members who become (FAM) financially active members every week. The foundation will be vigilant on this aspect of your business. We do recommend you refer as many people as you can in the shortest possible time to cover all your expenses and earn rewards that make your business profitable. We are a Business Advertising & Referral Network that relies heavily on the efforts of our Consumer and Commercial Advertising Members consistently referring New Memberships to earn rewards and shop with our participating Advertisers within our cooperative business alliance. Any credit rewards members receive must have 50% allocated to product and service purchases and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits or currency. This is made easier with the very small initating plege of €10 Euro Dollars to join the gain2umatrix.com mobile applcations for google play and apple iOS stores..
We expect our members to keep business in-doors before venturing out to non-participating Retail Outlets. This also increases business activity, sales, credibility and morale among fellow members who can also be commercial advertising members. We try to be vigilant in overseeing trading patterns to identify abuse like purchasing with credits but selling for crypto-currency or CASH to outside influences or non-member parties. If you purchase with credits your business should remain in credits, likewise with any other currencies. We have created opportunity with the Syndicate 1000 Group to earn CASH, BTC and TBC Crypto-Currencies and Crypto-Credits. If you are actively participating in the program, then you should never need to breach any terms and conditions of the network and if you do, it is at your own risk of losing your account.
To upgrade to the Platinum Membership Plan in the shortest possible time frame. This is to earn higher weekly recurring referral trade/barter credits. It is recommended that you upgrade to a level equal to, or greater than your sponsored member, to benefit from the correct referral trade/barter credit structure. Currently there is the Platinum Plan but in the near future other plans with higher rewards may be initiated.
To ensure all service fees, membership fees, advertising subscriptions, open business directory fees, annual renewal fees, weekly account maintenance fees and dues are all up-to-date and paid in full. It is your fiduciary responsibility to make sure they are paid on time, either by on-line auto debit, automatic payment authorities, credit/debit cards payments or weekly recurring PayPal or Stripe payment schedules, otherwise you may risk losing all entitlements and being terminated from the system.
The more you exchange fiat currency, crypto-currency or any quantum currency for energy exchange current-see, you are taking your fiduciary responsibility seriously to zero-balance the debt of hue-manities debt/sin/death ledger by operating solely in sovereign credits and our own private medium of echange.
To respect all fellow members by complying with the rules of engagement, protocols and recommendations of our online Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Frequently Asked Questions, Rules & Regulations and always abide by our Ethical Marketing Standards.
Members may be suspended or terminated for breach of conduct pertaining to any serious criminal convictions attained during the term of their Gain 2U Network Agreement. The behavior of our members reflects upon all members within our network. This will go under review with our Committee and Global Advertising Internet Network reserves the right to reject any member at any time, with or without reason on this matter. This may mean the loss of entitlements and termination of your membership(s) entirely.
This system was designed for building business trade, so we allow up to 50% currency exchange and the other 50% in product and service Trade and Exchange. Long-term investment savings can only be spent on products and services listed with our Group of COOP's who list big ticket items like residential housing, commercial or industrial buildings, vehicles, luxury toys, businesses ventures, franchise investments, boats, mobile campers, lifestyle etc.
25. What are the benefits for consumers using GAIN?
Consumers can benefit by shopping from the GAIN Online Shopping Portal, GAIN Global Trader, Syndicate 1000 Group or a CONG Private Business Meeting, from the commissions, discounts and rebates offered by the cooperative and the referral rewards for introducing people who purchase products and services advertised by our Commercial Advertisers.
Any credit rewards, members receive, must have 50% allocated to product and service exchanges and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits or currency. Eventually we expect everyone to be using our enegry exchange current-see solely without the need to use the debt instruments of fiat currency (money).
They can attend CONG Private Business Meetings to redeem their Trade/Barter Credits for products and services that are discounted or on promotion by our Commercial Advertising Members and they get to network with other members in our Global Network.
They can also benefit from inviting NEW people to the live meetings to watch the 10 minute presentations on the GAIN & CONG Referral & Loyalty Rewards Program to be encouraged to join our Global Network. Joining for FREE and the very small initiating pledge is always an enticement. Then the upgrades can occur later.
26. What are my basic requirements as an Advertising Customer?
To comply with the basic requirements of a consumer member, meeting their values, needs and wants .
To commit to a marketing success fee of 1/10th or 10% of the gross sale price of any item advertised within the GAIN 2U Network and in the CONG Private Business Meetings. Products and services can receive more attention, exposure and branding when promoted on the home page for a weekly cost of 500 credits/€ 500 Euro Dollars
Attend all CONG business meetings and if absent, have a substitute stand in for you. Three absentees for commercials in a one year period will force your position to become vacant and may be replaced with the same type of business.
Never be late for any meeting as we have an agenda that must be met. Lateness will be marked down as an absentee. Questions & Answers can be given after the meeting with your sponsor and / or the leadership team and not during the meeting. We do not tolerate outbursts in our organized meetings. Respect is earned and our Guardians Of Divinity are superb leaders in their prospective fields.
To start referring all your customers, business colleagues, business associates and all your social networks, right back to its natural resource to join the GAIN 2U Network, GAIN Global Trader, Syndicate 1000 Group, CONG, GAIN 2U Matrix, PayPal and Stripe.
To ensure all advertising fees, service fees, memberships, subscriptions and dues are all up-to-date and paid in full. It is your fiduciary responsibility to make sure dues are paid on time with top-ups, either by on-line vouchers, fund transfers, automatic payment authorities, auto debits or credit/debit cards with PayPal and Stripe, weekly recurring payment schedules, otherwise you may lose all entitlements and be terminated from advertising in the GAIN 2U Network, GAIN Global Trader and CONG Private Business Meetings, anywhere in the world.
27. What are the benefits for Commercial Advertising Members using GAIN?
Members can refer people to upgrade through membership payment plans to earn weekly recurring referral trade/barter credits and to build a network of consumers for future potential sales from the Online Shopping Portal, GAIN Global Trader, Syndicate 1000 Group and CONG Private Business Meeting. They can also exchange their trade/barter credits with other Commercial Advertising Members to be redeemed for products or services or store them with Central Finance & Investments Hub to save for big ticket items like houses, luxury toys or lifestyle.
Members can attend the CONG Private Business Meetings to promote and sell their products or services to get referrals that may lead to sales or benefit from networking with other business professionals, taking advantage of members buying privileges and participating in a local chapter’s activities at a cost of €200 Euro Dollars per meeting that includes a meal.
Any credit rewards members receive must have 50% allocated to product and service exchanges and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits.
Advertising Members who own or manage Retail Stores with many items have the option to list unlimited items and only pay a success fee of a 1/10th or 10% Tithe on any items sold.
28. What are ways to fast track my network?
Get a few friends together and open a group commercial advertising member’s account. Each individual must become a GAIN Consumer Member starting on the FREE Plan Membership level. You will need to concentrate on introducing New Memberships, being 10 or more people from each person of the Syndicate or Group. You will need to all become active business owners and start your own promotion at new venues with CONG. This way you will gain more market penetration.
Make it a habit to get everyone to join and upgrade to the Platinum Membership Level. At this level they would make 50% of the service fee from everyone they sponsor/refer who also upgrades to the same plan. As an example they would earn 50 to 50,000 Credits/€ 50,000 Euro Dollars every week on every person they personally introduce. The more people you introduce, the more rewards you earn. It's as simple as that.
Collect business cards and talk to everything that walks and talks and gather contact details to follow-up on, to create a client database.
Direct people to the Syndicate 1000 Group, GAIN 2U Network and GAIN Global Trader and CONG websites by your Email Referral Link, Text or Banner Link.
Join Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, branch out, Google Plus, Foursquare, Chamber of Commerce, Blogger, Xing, Talent.Me, Telegram, Whatsapp etc, and set up your social media marketing to be directed to the GAIN 2U Network website URL at http://www.gain2unetwork.com and If you are an advertiser you can also direct your network to your own product or service you are selling in the auction bidding site at https://gain2umatrix.com/ or http://www.gain-global-trader.com and you can use your own referral link to build your own support network, benefiting from your own disciplined efforts.
Our Moto is ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ (TEAM), so partner up for a team effort! Working together in a group scenario will always help your business network grow quicker and more sales are made from more referrals. This also encourages you to remain committed to the growth of your business.
Attend your local CONG Private Business Meetings with visitors and use your referral trade/barter credits to purchase products and services from Commercial Advertising Customers/Members and encourage your visitors to participate and join and to duplicate what you are doing.
Connect with Non-profit organizations and fund-raisers as well as your local community groups and churches. Go to community events and make regular connections with commercials and consumers. This can be done by attending trade network events and public career evenings.
Become a direct marketer visiting businesses and consumers at their doors. Invite them to a Local CONG Chapters to let them experience the vibe and what we have to offer.
Hold meetings at designated FREE venues like McDonalds, Burger King etc; to present the business opportunity.
Buy a GAIN debit card that has your trade/barter credits that can be used in our Online Shopping Portal or at any participating Retail Outlet that is a member of the GAIN Referral System. (These cards are still in the pipeline)
Contact Gavin to get Digital Business Cards ordered.
29. What are the different ways of generating income?
Getting paid to refer people and introduce memberships has never been easier online. Joining FREE or with the small initiating pledge, allows you to get to know how the GAIN Referral System works. It is also a small windows opportunity to start referring commercial advertising customers and new referral members. If you have your own website, after you have registered, It's as simple as pasting our Text Link or Banner into the pages of your own website for people to register or simply paste the Referral Link into an email to send to your friends, family and social network. Your back-office members login area has many tools to enable you to run a very successful business and Manpower Outsourcing has the members that provide voluntary community service for you to experience their ability to meet your needs in a working environment. Please remember that you will receive referral trade/barter credits ONLY when you become a paying member.
You can start networking with other Independent Business Owners in the CONG Private Business Meetings and contracting your services with job opportunities they might be offering.
Join for FREE or using the mobile apps start on the initiating pledge and when you upgrade to a platinum plan or through the 6 pledge and upgrade plans with the gain2umatrix.com site, financially active membership status you can start earning referral trade/barter credits on all personally sponsored people.
CONG offers business opportunities on-line with micro franchising and job opportunities with other affiliated cooperatives that sell products or services and pay tiered level compensation plans for business builders. NO multilevel marketing companies or any of their representatives can market their products through GAIN, Syndicate 1000 Group or CONG organizations, unless authorized by the owner/founder of this business.
Everything you do in the network can lead to an increase of wealth and prosperity. However, you are required to upgrade or to take small increment steps to an action or a financial investment. To get started on the road to abundance you need to:
Set up your line of CREDIT by registering on the FREE PLAN of the Godzone Credit Exchange. To qualify you will need to introduce 10 or more New Members within the first 2-4 weeks of joining and pay an upfront annual admin donation of €250 and start a €20 a month thereafter subscription to remain one year in advance.
Set up your line of SALES INCOME by registering on the Syndicate 1000 Group paying an upfront annual membership fee and start a monthly subscription to remain one year in advance.
Set up your RETIREMENT CAPITAL FUND by registering with Syndicate 1000 Group your expression of interest in a 30-year term with (6) Six, 5-year right of renewal intervals. A one-time Capital Pledge of €1,000 Euro Dollars and an ongoing Term Pledge of €20 Euro Dollars secures your position in a Syndicate with 1,000 pledges of €1,000 Euro Dollars from 1,000 People.
Set up an account with (NZ CONG) Coffee Outbreak Network Group for a pre-booked seat each month at their Business Breakfast Network. Currently you can purchase seats in advance on Paypal or Stripe and you can also pay through your internal credit-line, ewallet account through Global Advertising Internet Network Limited who owns the network and the CONG affiliate.network. Payments can be made HERE.
30. Can I promote other Network Marketing Companies?
No definitely not. If you are with any other network marketing company or you own your own network marketing business, you cannot promote that business unless you get strict approval from the Founder of this Business. You must first let CONG Headquarters know immediately upon joining and on approval you must join again directly under GAIN and CONG Headquarters/Admin direct. Any cross-recruitment is deemed to be a serious breach. Termination and black-listing in the GAIN and CONG global website is inevitable and this will be advertised on our websites and vigilantly enforced.
31. Is this a Pyramid?
NO, we are not a multilevel marketing company or have tiered commission structures. Instead, we are a one level ONLY affiliate referral company that pays trade/barter credits for referring financially active NEW Consumer and Commercial Advertising Memberships with the GAIN and CONG Referral System. We are deemd to be an affiliate referral marketing association of commercial and consumer subscribers.
You benefit from the membership subscriptions you sponsor personally and NO other levels. This is an affiliate referral marketing program where the company allows you to be rewarded for your effort with 50% Shares of the Platinum Plan Membership weekly subscriptions of those who you personally and directly sponsor. We simply provide the accounting platform to facilitate all trading activity and we are a private, exclusive and decentralized system in a private association with a private society using a private medium of exchange that has its own jurisdiction under divine lore/law natural law with (USA) Universal Sovereign Authority.
The Trading System is a facility that uses Digital Credits ONLY between private members (Trading Partners) exchanging products and services and all business trading activity is tracked and recorded for book keeping and accounting purposes where NO Cash, Money or Fiat Currency is used, other than your admin platform cost to cover running and operational costs. Imagine living a life you desire for an external cost of €240 Euro Dollars a year ONLY.
We do however have Affiliate Partners that do offer tiered revenue streams but still our program promotes a uni-level business model that concentrates on the direct down-line ONLY and our internal administration infrastructure has pre-set parameters or algorithms for commission and incentive reward payments.
32. Is there any guarantee that value would be made?
GAIN and CONG or any of our Affiliated Companies do not give any guarantees that you would make excessive amounts of value. It is only through your own personal efforts and your ability to social network and being committed to strengthening your business that leads to success. Please refer to the earnings disclaimer provided on this website. Again we would like to mention that we use a private medium of exchange called credit-euro energy exchange current-see.
33. How are items listed on the On-line Shopping Portal?
Our Advertising Package is for unlimited listings and we only charge a 1/10th or 10% tithe on any item(s) sold only. It is regarded as a success fee or marketing fee. After the approval process your item will be listed in a category and in order of time placement. To create more sales, may require a promotional listing to give you better company exposure and brand awareness. If you would like to have featured, bold, more information or higher rankings for your listed items there will be further costs, charged in credit. Note that on the gain2unetwork site and the gain2umatrix site, everything is down from your back-office members login area and you must be logged in via an internet service provider.
34. What do I do if I have a dispute about a member in GAIN or CONG?
We believe in solving any dispute quickly to avoid morale breakdown by first, you trying to sort it out with the person involved. If unsuccessful, take a witness and if you are still unsuccessful you would need to then approach your sponsor or venue leader. If still unresolved, then it would resort to GAIN and CONG’s disputes resolutions committee dealing with the dispute and suspension to rectify or termination would be pending upon proof of serious misconduct or any other serious breach.
35. What is a (FAM) financially active member?
A (FAM) financially active member is a member that is up-to-date with all their service fees, memberships, advertising subscriptions and dues and an active member is a member that is attending the CONG Private Business Meetings every month and referring new financially active members that exchanges 50% of their credit rewards on products and services within the network and are active sales promoters of advertised products and services as a minimum requirement.
36. When do I get paid?
Credit payments are instant. As soon as you have referred a NEW Member and they have made their service fee payment through a weekly auto-debit or another form of recurring weekly payment schedule, rewards can be available and can be accessed immediately.
Advertisers must have enough credit in their e-wallets to cover the success fee of 10%, of the values of any items listed. Consumers can apply for a voucher code for the remaining balance and email it to the advertiser to redeem or use another payment method acceptable to the advertiser. Vouchers and Fund Transfer tools can be found in your back-office members area.
37. How do I know when someone has joined me?
First, before anyone you refer joins they must enter a sponsor’s username or sponsors member ID number. This determines who referred that particular person and you would receive an email notification. In a members back-office genealogy area you can view your sponsored members who have recently joined you.
38. What happens when Members don't pay their Service and Advertising fees or sponsor any new financially active member each week?
It’s a simple answer. All rewards stop, including the right to advertise. If a member fails to pay their weekly service or advertising fee, they may risk losing any future income and may face their membership being terminated entirely. If the before happens then the person who referred that member would lose that weeks, rewards pay-out, and may lose it entirely if the member is terminated. If however, it was an oversight by the member, then there would be a remedial process between admin and that member. We encourage sponsors of such a member to make contact with them to get them back on track.
39. How long is my membership term?
We simply believe in longevity, meaning a long-term business relationship, so your membership is for your lifetime or until the day you miss your subscription fees, annual renewal fees and any dues or cease living. Our company slogan is 'Till death do us Part'. As long as you pay ALL your subscription fees, introduce people each week, spend 50% of your earnings back in the system with our advertisers and always do good business dealings, your income will continue to be paid until you cease living.
40. How much can I withdraw out of my e-wallet account?
The system has been configured to allow you to withdraw up to 50% of the total balance once a month with a minimum withdrawal of 100 Credits. You will incur fees that are equivalent to 10 Credits fixed bank cost for a 7-day clearance or up to 25 Credits for a same-day clearance, plus a 10% exchange transfer fee of any withdrawal amount. You can withdraw using a voucher or fund transfer to another credit account. This can be done if you decide to bequeath your credit to anybody. Please note that if you intend to bequeath your credits to another member, then the company reserves the right for explanation and confirmation of such action by the member or an individual with power of attorney to the deceased estate, accompanied by a will and testament and/or private discretionary trust that has been authorized by the deceased beforehand as a settlor of the trust.
41. Do I need to open a € Euro Dollar Currency Account?
NO. We deal in credit and your e-wallet is instant. We do not exchange externally from the system as we wish to remain private, exclusive and decentralized from the public as to bring NO Harm. If however, you purchase or sell using cash or euro dollar then yes if you are receiving a direct bank wire or transfer from us. Wise can set you up a Euro Account HERE. However, we recommend to set up a Pay Pal or Stripe accounts that automatically converts € Euro Dollars into your own currency that is transferred to your own bank account.
42. Can I use my e-wallet account balance to pay for product or service exchanges?
Yes, there is a selection of payment options and the e-wallet account is one of them. In fact we have now officially made it the ONLY selection on the gain2unetwork.com site.
43. Why do the amounts of the purchase price differ from the actual member plans, ad plans, products and services sale prices?
All payments from the PayPal or Stripe gateways incurs fixed and percentage fees that are additional to your purchase price and these amounts will be added to your final purchase price. In your back-office area you can select the e-wallet payment option, vouchers or the PayPal and Stripe payment gateway. These additional expenses are to do with PayPal and Stripe and what they charge. Everyone needs to get their cut right! We have recently been taking the costs of such transactions but this is a privilege not a burden to the company for your valiant efforts as a true sales-force for GOD Almighty IO.
44. Who is subject to taxes?
In our New Paradigm there is NO taxes, extorting people for undue expense. Rather everyone pays a transaction due of 1/10th or 10% tithing. However, choices are always available to our members. Remember pay Caesar his things and pay GOD Almighty his, by decree and law.
In New Zealand, all products and services are subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) if paying by cash. All members must pay taxes in their own country’s currency to their own taxation system if you are using their currency or debt instruments. If you use CASH, Money, Fiat currencies then by law you must pay tax on those instruments as they own the commodity. Our internal digital credits are our own property in our private and exclusive decentralized system and are not controlled by governing agencies or the elite banking cartel. The products and services you exchange in most cases have already been taxed and they are your property to exchange.
45. Can my membership be sold or willed or bequeathed to my family?
YES. Your membership is paid until the day you cease living, so as long as someone can maintain your account after the fact, by letter of authority, trust deed, power of attorney it should be Okay. It cannot be sold but the membership can be changed to the new owner with the company's approval ONLY. Conditions may apply to substantiate the claim. Memberships belong to the person who originally set it up, so the authority must come from them. Any fraudulent activity around ownership of a members account will result in suspension of the account to substantiate the claim or permanent termination from the program will occur. If you wish to bequeath your accounts funds to a person or persons, you can transfer your funds by a request to transfer. Please note a 1/10th or 10% tithe will be deducted from all transfers.
46. Who is exempt from sponsoring new members to qualify for entitlements?
Children from the age of 0 years to under 18 years and Retired Members over the age of 67 years are exempt from introducing new members each week. However, they are still required to exchange 50% of their credits for products or services and pay their weekly subscriptions to remain active.
47. Can I sell the products and services I have purchased?
Yes, they can be relisted as a classified, auction or tender advertisement from your back-office administration panel under an advertising package that suits you or it can be listed in the https://gain2umatrix.com/ or www.gain-global-trader.com auction bidding site or the Syndicate 1000 Group's website Store.
48. Can I discount the products and services?
Yes, you have purchased them so therefore you own them and can sell them for whatever price you like. It does not matter what price you list your items for as you have lost nothing, because the credits you purchased the items with, you got for free though our loyalty rewards program and your membership support network.
49. Can I credit other member’s accounts?
YES, Simply download a voucher code for the amount you require. Email the voucher code to the member in question so they can redeem it with head office. Otherwise list an advertisement solely for the purpose of receiving credit. This way the system automatically deducts GOD's tithing in the exchange. Another way is using the Fund Transfer facility in the gain2umatrix.com site.
50. How much is the success fee charged on items sold?
In the internal GAIN 2U Network site, every item sold will incur a 1/10th or 10% marketing success fee. In GAIN Global Trader the auction site, a marketing success fee for items sold is between 0% - 10% and may have an upfront list fee cost ranging between €0 - €648 Euro Dollars and be subject to a term. NO SALE, NO CHARGE.
51. What are the reasons for termination?
52. Do I have to move my Bank Accounts across to the GAIN 2U Network?
If you would like fair and equitable trade in the credit system, we are happy to exchange your currency. You would need to collateralize your back office e-wallet account with value for value based on the currency of (€) Euro Dollars. All your revenue streams can be exchanged for credit-euro with the COMPANY ONLY as the commodities such as the private medium of exchange called credit-euro, Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society and the GAIN2U Network Private Contract Association is privately owned and under the jurisdiction of GOD Almighty I'O and his (USA) Universal Sovereign Authority.
PLEASE NOTE: The fiat currency collected will eventuall eliminate hue-manities debt to society. We use 10% towards the internal administration infrastructure and the monthly service charges are what we run the operations on. This is entirely at the discretion of the Head AD-Minister for the divine order of Supreme Creator.
53. What if I don’t want to participate in the Pay It Forward Program?
It’s a real simple answer. You would be terminated from our System entirely and not have the opportunity again. Remember, choices must be made before you enter into any agreement or ark of the covenant with our collective cooperative business alliance.
54. What is “Mana Tangata Whanau O Kawena Hone Tarara Matawherongaoko Mahitahi”?
It is the Family Trust of Kawena Hone Tarara Matawherongaoko under the “Divine Universal Sovereign Ministry” and has been set up by Gavin Marsich to protect his and God's investments. The most precious jewels of all....his family. Gavin has vowed that whoever hurts his family, their portion of life and their eternal flame will be extinguished for all time, never to see life or light again. YOU are his family, so pay special attention to this decree as we progress into a world of peace, harmony, abundance and eternal blessings.
55. What is the Divine Universal Sovereign Ministry?
It is the Ministry of Yahuah controlled by Yahushua and Kawena(Gavin). A Charitable Trust that disburses funds down-stream to replenish the population of the system. Enticing people to join and focusing on hue-manitarian projects and infrastructure. The remodeling of our future and the replenishing of Papatuanuku our mother earth.
Please feel free to forward any questions to [email protected] or [email protected] so we can add them to our long list of Frequently Asked Questions?
1. Who is GAIN?
GAIN is abbreviated for Global Advertising Internet Network (Non-Government Foundation) a registered advertising, sales and marketing company since 26th January 2012. This system was divinely inspired of GOD Almighty AbbaYAH our IO, Creator of ALL Creation. It offers an online shopping and trading platform from an administration back-office, e-wallet account management system that promotes products and services and builds a community support network of trading partners in an affiliate referral marketing program to a global marketplace, tracking all business trading activity for record and book keeping purposes. GOD's plan for salvation is a jigsaw puzzle that comprises of many pieces that collectively ensures a better future for mankind. Creating unified trade relationships and building a utopia money free environment, free of taxes, loans, interest and crime to end poverty and oppression forever.
GAIN 2U NETWORK Private Contract Association and GODZONE Credit Exchange Private Society is an exclusive 24/7 online business and consumer pay it forward, referral shopping network designed to create value for individual members who sponsor new trade partner relationships through an affiliate referral marketing program that rewards the sponsor a 50% share of the 100,000 Credit, platinum membership subscriptions of all new members they personally introduce. This enables all members to receive regular weekly contributions to support Business advertisers with product and service exchanges within the classified advertising network. The trading system uses digital credits (€) Credit Euro, where no cash, money or fiat currency is used to exchange for products and services, except for the monthly recurring administration donation subscription of €20 Euro Dollars that covers all incidental operation costs. The digits are simply used to track all business activity within a private capacity as a record keeping facility for book keeping and accounting purposes only. The credits become valuable when exchanged for true intrinsic worth on resources (products) or sweat equity services (labour), so it is important to trade goods and services. When used in the correct manner the trading platform will prove to be a future commodity.
2. Who is CONG?
Coffee Outbreak Network Group is a private and exclusive commercial online network group who meet regularly to promote, trade, barter, purchase, exchange and speed network together to improve sales, profit, import and export to build a global economy of international traders. It is FREE to join but every meeting has a charge to participate with the program, whether in a zoom conference call or at a café for a coffee or meal that will be supplied. The meetings last for up to 2 hours and involves commercial and consumer activities focused on promotional sales of products and services from participating members of the cooperative business alliance from within their local district.
3. What is GAIN Global Trader?
GAIN Global Trader (GAIN2U MATRIX) is a separate on-line classified and bidding auction site developed to move products and services and to create a global trading platform for commercial advertisers and individual consumer members of the GAIN 2U Network. If you are an advertiser, you will need an active PayPal Account to establish the initiating pledge of €10 Euro Dollars €10 Euro Dollars. We are an affiliate referral marketing network, so you are required to sponsor 10 New Subscribers within the first month of joining and adding 1 New Subscriber each month thereafter or 12 new members a year. Most people will have more than one account and invite more people than they need, because of the affordability of the initiating pledge of €10 Euro Dollars. You will also need to upgrade to the website and pay a onetime setup pledge of €250 Euro Dollars and €20 Euro Dollars each month thereafter to spend your credits, so ensure there is enough credit for this to be covered, by topping up your account with currency equal to (€) Euro Dollars. If you are a purchaser, you must ensure that your transaction and exchange is completed within 3-7 days nationally or 14-21 days internationally. This is done in private between you and the advertiser. Deliveries can be arranged at a cost to the purchaser and payments can be made to the advertisers elected credit-euro or paypal account, to settle the transaction and exchange.
4. When were the businesses established?
Coffee Outbreak Network Group was established on 21st September 2011 and Global Advertising Internet Network was established on 26th January 2012 and both fall into the advertising, sales and marketing business category.
5. Do I need to have a PayPal or Stripe account?
YES. Simply go on-line to www.paypal.com or https://stripe.com/ and enter your details. Select your country, language and the account that best suits your activity. Complete the application process, agree and create your account. You will need a debit or credit card to complete the process.
6. What are the different payment methods?
We currently accept payments via Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Direct Credit, Bank Transfers, Automatic Payments or recurring PayPal or Stripe and our own private medium of exchange from back-office vouchers and e-wallet payments.
7. How do I join?
Simply go on-line to https://gain2umatrix.com/ and www.gain2unetwork.com and click on Enroll, then enter your details. Join a Plan and submit your application. Ensure your information is true and correct as you will be required to verify your email address from a link sent to your email account, junk or spam folder. Either, click on the link to complete your profile and activate your account or login using your username and password and complete the application process. In the back-office account settings you can make a payment or upgrade your membership plan to start introducing people to earn credit rewards. You would need a PayPal or Stripe account already setup to pay your platform usage fee and activate your account with currency to the value of (€) 250 Euro Dollars, being one year in advance and set up a monthly payment of (€) 20 Euro Dollars for each month thereafter.
8. Who can join?
We do not have any restrictions to age, gender or ethnicity, so anyone can join. However, if you are a minor under 18 years of age, you will require parent or guardian consent and they will be required to manage your account until adult age. You may also have restrictions with banking facilities when applying for a debit or credit card and opening a PayPal account, so it may require a guardian to consent to making application themselves as an additional account.
9. Can I have multiple memberships?
Yes, GAIN & CONG allows you to own as many memberships as you want expanding the ground to earn more rewards and earn as much referral trade/barter credits as you desire. You can even sign up under yourself as many times as you like, providing you meet the weekly recurring service fees and obligations for each membership on the gain2unetwork.com site and the monthly recurring service fees and obligations for each membership on the gain2umatrix.com site. Therefore, there will never be any saturation point.
10. What are the obligations of the membership?
To ensure all pay it forward DONATIONS are current and up to date by ensuring the Box, ‘AUTO DEBIT’ Maintenance Fees From your E-Wallet Balance’ is checked in your back-office homepage of the gain2unetwork.com site, under the Referral URL links, to ensure you stay up to date with your payments and remain a Trusted Trading Partner.
To introduce 10 or more NEW Trade Partner Memberships within the first month of joining and then adding a minimum of (12) Twelve New Membership Subscriptions per year or 1 New Trade Partner Membership per month.
To upgrade from a FREE Membership Plan upto a PLATINUM PLAN Membership Subscription "Pay It Forward" Payment Plan and the PLATINUM AD PLAN to list Unlimited Items once you receive credits.
To have the option to be members to our crypto-currency affiliates that ensures value exchange. (i.e: TBC and BTC)
To pay a 1/10th or 10% tithe on all business activity, including any voucher transfer of credits from the gain2umatrix.com site, less the 10% Tithe. This can be rebuilt from your community support network and pledge and upgrade plans from your commitment to sponsoring new members and the collective efforts of the NEW Members that you personally introduce.
To spend the weekly gifted Digits, (€) Credit Euro on products and services from other affiliate members, advertised within the network.
To list your unused or excess products and/or services back onto the Advertising Platform and become a Drop-Ship Re-seller.
To comply with the Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, Disclaimers, Ethical Marketing, FAQ's, (USA) Universal Sovereign Authority Laws/Lores and any Policies of the Cooperative Business Alliance with the Company.
To upload a Certified True Copy of your Birth Certificate, a Photo ID like your Driver’s Licence or Passport, Proof of your Current Address that matches your profile information and a Current Photo of your True likeness to your back-office for validation and verification purposes ONLY.
To ensure your personal and business profiles are completed, current and up-to-date at all times.
To uphold the company's integrity by weeding out unethical and dishonorable behavior to eliminate or reduce crime.
11. How fast can I get started after I sign up?
Once you have enrolled to create an account, there is an approval and acceptance process within 24-48 hours. you are required to validate and verify your email address before you can login in. Remember to check your inbox, spam, junk and trash folders for our message with your verification email link. You cannot be approved until you click on the confirmation link in the email.
After approval simply login to your back-office account using your username and password and then complete your personal and business information.
Using a mobile phone or digital camera, take photos and upload the information below to your back-office account settings, basic information page, using the upload feature. You can upload up to 5 Photo images.
Upload the following:
1 x Current Photo of your True likeness holding 2 forms of ID each side of your face.
1 x Certified True Copy of your Birth Certificate.
1 x Photo ID - Drivers Licence or Passport (or both).
1 x Proof of Current Address that matches your Profile Information. (Utilities Bill, Bank Statement etc)
If there is a change in circumstances, then the documents will need to be updated to accommodate the change, otherwise your account can be suspended until remedied.
Pay your external monthly administration subscription, being one year in advance, and you’re ready to go. This MUST be done before you can receive any transferred Voucher Credits, (€) Credit Euro and be recognized as a Trusted Trading Partner.
by selecting a membership plan on the gain2unetwork.com site, allows you to start introducing other new members to this opportunity by sending them your very own private referral link found in your back-office to their email address or direct them to the main website to register at www.gain2unetwork.com and complete the information necessary to create an account. Remember to inform them to change the Sponsor ID to YOUR sponsor username i.d to get started or they will default to admin.
Refer people to purchase our advertisers products and services by simply inviting your social network from your back-office with a Banner link, Email Referral Link, or Text Code and you are ready to start sponsoring people.
12. Do I need to sell any products?
All you have to do is to refer people to join as members and increase consumers that earn weekly recurring referral trade/barter credits to purchase from the Global Advertising Internet Network, GAIN Global Trader or in a CONG Private Business Meeting with trade/barter credits and benefit from the discounts on sales from products or services that have been advertised by our Commercial Advertisers. Every member is required to exchange a minimum of 50% of their credit rewards for products and services to improve global trade and rebuild our global economy. However, if you see the logic in becoming a trusted trading partner to create your very own enterprise, then the answer is yes, as we always encourage new business to the global cooperative business alliance and this is part of doing your share of the workload. Also there are Real Estate and Business Ventures listed on the gain2umatrix.com site that pays 50% commission on listing and success fees.
13. How does it work?
Join a plan and start introducing people to earn credit rewards from personally sponsored member subscription fees, when you upgrade from the bronze, silver, gold and platinum plans. Introduce as many people as possible in the shortest possible time. Exchange a minimum of 50% of the credits received from the pay it forward system on products and services within the network or risk losing them. As an independent business owner you can list, trade, barter, promote and exchange products or services and only pay a 10% success fee on items sold. Our Advertising Plan offers unlimited listings in the advertising network at no upfront credit cost of the gain2unetwork.com site. Additional fees may apply on other features offered. The success of the system relies heavily on all consumer and commercial advertising members participating in the program.
14. What are the Membership Plans?
Login to your back-office using your username and password. Click on Account settings and choose a Membership Plan of your choice and pay with your Godzone Credit Exchange digits from your e-wallet account. Please ensure you are a financially active member or you will be suspended to remedy or permanently terminated and this may affect you in the future.
1 MONTH FREE PLAN – Costs 0 Digits and receives 0% or 0 Digits from every privately sponsored membership subscription you introduce.
This plan allows new members to register, verify their email and upload their documentation to validate and verify their identity and to start referring 10 or more New Trading Partners within the first month of joining and 1 New Trading Partner each month thereafter into their family genealogy tree to receive transferred Voucher Credits from the gain2umatrix.com site to start trading.
Upgrade when you earn incentive rewards from Plan 1 to 6 of the pledge and upgrade plans.
Once a member receives Voucher Credits from the gain2umatrix.com site they can upgrade on the gain2unetwork.com site to a suitable plan with the goal to receing the best plan results from the Platinum Plan Membership Subscription and Platinum AD Plan, where their account will be debited the fees associated with the platinum plan and its pay it forward rewards strategy.
100 Credit-Euro to earn 50 Credit-Euro from each New Subscriber you privately recruit.
1,000 Credit-Euro to earn 500 Credit-Euro from each New Subscriber you privately recruit.
10,000 Credit-Euro to earn 5,000 Credit-Euro from each New Subscriber you privately recruit.
PLATINUM PLAN – Costs 100,000 Digits and receives 50% or 50,000 Digits from every privately sponsored trading partner membership subscription you introduce. Platinum members collectively hold up to 50% of the systems, membership “pay it forward” share values and through the exchange of products and services the values hold true intrinsic value, as a trading commodity.
The Company Shares 50% of the Platinum Membership Subscriptions of each New Trading Partner you personally introduce. The more people you refer into your team, the more weekly credit residuals you receive to exchange for products and services with other members who enable the system to have real true intrinsic value attached to tangible products and services and credit-euro current-see, energy exchange.
15. What are the Advertising Plans?
Login to your back-office using your username and password. Click on My Ads and choose an AD Plan based on the quantity of items you intend to list and pay with your Godzone Credit Exchange digits from your e-wallet account. Please note that you will need to regularly update your AD Plan to keep your item(s) live on the advertising network.
PLATINUM AD PLAN - Costs 0 Digits and allows you to list UNLIMITED items in exchange for a 1/10th or 10% tithe on any items exchanged.
Extra Costs
Featured Ads – Costs 100 Digits per advertisement.
Home Page Promotions – Costs 500 Digits a week.
CONG Business Meetings – Costs 100 credits/€ Euro Dollars a meeting. (Includes Meal). Initially the CONG Meetings are paid in CASH and NOT Credit. We hope to arrange suitable catering outlets that will deal in credit. Keep watching this space.
Please NOTE, that if you list only one item for sale and it is sold, you will need to personally delete the item from your back-office advertisements to avoid multiple purchases being made that will need to be reimbursed unnecessarily. The Classified Advertisement Listings is designed for on-going sales and multiple listings. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please note that misleading advertising or unethical and dishonorable behavior will lead to suspension of accounts to allow for remedy of such misconduct before your account can be re-activated. The GAIN Foundation works on a 3 Strike Rule before your account will be permanently terminated and the loss of all entitlements, so please keep the integrity of this trading platform and the GAIN Foundation, intact. Please also take note that the private medium of exchange of credit-euro and the Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society reserves this right as the commodities are owned by GOD Almighty I'O, YAHuah.
16. Is there any other additional costs?
There are NO other external costs unless you intend to increase your credit-line with external crypto-currency top-ups and tangible products and services exchanged on the trading platform with the company or its members. We are currently setting up a valuation assessor department to assess the values of item(s) that can be exchanged for credit-euro current-see, energy exchange. Once you exchange your products (resources) and services (sweat equity or labour) for credit-euro with the valuation assessor, those item(s) are no longer yours and are owned by the GAIN Foundation which is also owned by GOD Almighty I'O, YAHuah.
Internally it does not require any cash, money or fiat currency or the use of EFTPOS Bank and Credit/Debit Cards or Loyalty Store Cards. It uses Digital Credits, (€) Credit Euro ONLY via online internet services. One (€) Credit Euro is equal in value to One (€) Euro Dollar in fiat or crypto-currency as a bench-mark value, ONLY in value and nothing more.
However, once you are operating your credit account there will be internal costs in digital credit euros of 10 to 25 Digits fixed donation charge on withdrawals/transfers and above that a 1/10th or Ten Percent (10%) Tithe on ALL business activity made within the internal Ad campaigns or any transfer of Digits within the network and weekly platinum membership subscriptions that will be automatically debited from your personal e-wallet account. You must ensure your back-office e-wallet account has the "Auto Debit" box checked to accommodate the extraction of any said fees. Failure to do this will result in a serious breach of trust and your account(s) can be suspended to remedy or terminated immediately.
17. How do I pay for items listed in the Advertising Network?
In the Godzone Credit Exchange you need to login to your back-office with your username and password. Click on Create New Ad and complete the Advertisement. The advertisement will need to be approved before it goes live. Please ensure your advertised products and services do not cause harm. We will list items that are not accepted for trade or service.
If you want to purchase an item from the Godzone Credit Exchange, you will need to login to your back office using your username and password, go to the top Tabs Bar and click on ADS and then select and open the item you wish to purchase. Click on Add to Cart to purchase the item and then go to the top right of the panel and click on Your Cart items. Select the quantity of items you want (if any) and go to Checkout. Select e-wallet and then continue. You can then contact the seller to arrange delivery of your item(s).
To create more sales, you may require a promotional listing on the home page or featured listings to give you better company exposure and brand awareness.
18. How do I pay for items listed in the GAIN Global Trader?
Simply login to your GAIN Global Trader and gain2umatrix.com account and when you choose an item of interest you can use your credits from your e-wallet account or go to PayPal or Stripe and pay for it. If you have insufficient funds you can request a voucher code from your GAIN 2U Network e-wallet account to credit the GAIN Global Trader e-wallet account with credits to cover the costs of the success fees and the cost of any items of interest and vice versa (Exchange between Both platforms). Remember, all transactions, transfer, exchanges will incur a 1/10th or 10% tithing that is filtered back down to infrastructure and hue-manitarian projects.
19. Why should I attend CONG Private Business Meetings?
A team of foundation representatives conduct live structured and organized Private Business Meetings for Commercial Advertising Members to meet for coffee and breakfast to promote their business products and services in person to GAIN Consumer Members to get referrals that lead to sales with GAIN Consumer Members that have earned referral trade / barter credits by sponsoring NEW Members. There is a cost to these events per seat. We encourage all commercial advertisers to provide product and pricing catalog's with wholesale and retail pricing to accommodate both the commercial wholesale drop-ship supplier and/or retail consumer interest. Please note that due to the Global Covid-19 Lockdowns, we have been holding zoom meetings instead of face to face. These meeting can be productive and informative to allow real-time business referrals and private business presentations from members.
Commercial Advertising Members are encouraged to build a network of other Commercial Advertising Members and Consumer Members to earn weekly recurring referral Trade Credits. By referring and earning, they can exchange, trade or barter, products and services from other Commercial Advertising Members in our live private business meetings and this keeps business in-doors and boosts morale with other Members. Commercial Advertisers can also recruit consumer members by offering employment opportunities or contractual agreements. Manpower Outsourcing provides 10 Hours Voluntary Community Services from their Paid Volunteers to offer to Non-Government Foundations, providing they offer 10 Hours or more at a set hourly pay rate or wage structure. Choices are limitless.
Commercial Advertising Members, promote, trade & barter their products and services in a 30-60 second presentation that teaches you more about their business and the products and services they offer to pique a consumer members interest to buy their items for sale. We encourage commercial advertisers to bring their best selling item(s) for display purposes and it would be in their best interest to have a supply of item(s) on hand or close by, as item(s) are often exchanged within these meetings.
Consumer Members are guaranteed to spend a portion of their minimum of 50% of their trade / barter credits to exchange for products or services within these business meetings and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits, currency or deposited with Central Finance & Investments LTD for big ticket items like houses, luxury toys and lifestyle. All transfers incur a 10% Exchange Fee (Tithing).
Houses will be more affordable in Aotearohaa (Jew Zealand) as you are only paying for the buildings and chattels NOT for the LAND and its amenities. ALL land in Aotearoha (Jew Zealand) will be leased on 1-year term intervals with a right of renewal to extend another 1-year and so on. If the land is worked and is productive for the commercial harvesting, then the leases are normally extended and maintained. There is NO room for laziness and everyone is expected to provide their services, even if they are preparing meals for the workers from the produce of the land, hence the voluntary community services of manpower outsourcing.
Trade / Barter Credits cannot be used at any non-participating Retail Outlets, so it is in the interest of everybody to become a member of our global cooperative business alliance. We offer each shareholder voucher transfers between both platform 1, gain2umatrix.com site and platform 2, gain2unetwork.com site to trade with our network. We can also purchase their entire stock, buildings and chattels at an agreed value of exchange to encourage them to become a member of the network and still remain involved with the business on an advisory capacity, working directly with the Guardians Of Divinity AD-Ministers.
It is a place to network and trade with other Commercial Advertising Members and Consumer Members with an opportunity for Commercial Advertisers to offer employment opportunities and/or contractual agreements (covenants) to assist with their business growth and speed network with other independent business owners in your local area or giving you the opportunity to trade internationally. Gavin, also known as Kawenata is also very active with CONG and regularly attends its meetings as a promotional icon figure that promotes its members and their products and services. Gavin takes his fiduciary responsibilities seriously when working for the FATHER of ALL Creation and he expects everyone else to do the same.
There is a GAIN and CONG Referral System, 10-20 minute presentation at every meeting for your guest visitors to get an insight into how the Referral & Loyalty Rewards Program works.There is a cost for this privilege. If you would like to market and promote your business in front of commercial wholesale drop-ship re-sellers and retail consumers, then we suggest you book your spot-light position in advance.
You become more encouraged to participate in the program when you see your Local Chapter's Membership increasing and other (FAM) financially active members, actively participating just like you. Remember that if you were consistent and invited a NEW Member to join every week without fail you would be earning compounding weekly recurring referral trade / barter credits for as long as everyone stays qualified and keeps paying service fees.
There is also a Pledge Ceremony for New Commercial Members who join the cooperative business alliance when they meet the society's criteria of:
- to be a (FAM) Financially Active Members meeting the fiduciary duties and responsibilities of the membership. (*)
- attending all meetings and if they cannot, to have a substitute attendee to represent them.
- to be an active member in the working cooperative of Syndicate 1000 Group, maintaining sales volume, contractual agreements and business growth on a steady and consistent basis.
- to have a solid satisfied and supportive customer-base, loyal to the industry.
- to provide fiduciary duties and responsibilities to the industry with care and respect for all parties
- to invest an interest in the well-being of the society and its members as a (Kaitiaki) Guardian over the fruits of the vineyard, being the people.
- To be in Covenant with the collective energy exchange of all our members which is the ARC OF THE COVENANT with our Supreme Creator I'O, YAHuah..
20. What should a visitor expect at a CONG Private Business Trade & Barter Meeting?
You will be expected to pay a due of €200 Credit-Euro for the meeting you are attending by going online to purchase a Private Business Ticket in the advertising area of the Syndicate 1000 Group website under category subscriptions or paying and pre-booking a seat at the NEXT Business Meeting directly, a month ahead of the next meeting.
Note that currently the costs are in CASH until you have Credits and we are still trying to negotiate trade in Credits or some other agreement with our physical venues.
If you join you will have the opportunity to speed network with other independent business owners/commercial advertisers and consumers/members and you will be given the chance to put some personalized business cards in the back of the members, business card file box or on the list of Business Directory Services with their Virtual/Digital Business Cards. Once a fully pledged member, your card will be alphabetically positioned or categorized in our list of attendees.
A speed network sheet will be handed around for members to arrange appointments with other members outside of the general business breakfast meeting. This allows members to get to know the community at large through the eyes of its cooperative business alliance. Many members in the same industry can regularly correspond and forge joint ventures for the future sustainability of each COOP industry.
Our Chapter's, Leadership Team will be introduced to you and you will be introduced to the team.
You will receive a roster with commercial advertising consumers/members information on it or if a new chapter is being established, you will receive only the current members list as the chapter’s membership reaches capacity.
All commercial advertising consumers/members will introduce themselves and their cooperative, give a 30-60 second commercial about their business and define the type of referral they are looking for, as specifically as possible. They tell short stories, show things, provide samples of their product or service, sing, whatever, to create an indelible memory for you to purchase their product or service with referral trade/barter credits earned from referring new memberships to the GAIN Referral System.
As the "commercial" triggers a "you should talk to X", members will complete referral slips, which are available on the table or in the comments section of any zoom meeting held. You are encouraged to do the same. This referral can be yourself or someone you know that may be looking to purchase a product or service within the group at the local CONG Private Business Meeting you are attending. If you are confident, well presented and articulate in communication, you can apply to become a facilitator of your own CONG Private Business Meeting. (Conditions Apply)
Our commercial wholesale drop-ship re-sellers are always on the lookout for discounted or special order products below wholesale price as they make their profit margins up to retail sale price and share that profit margin 50/50 with the cooperative and its syndicate 1000 group who then shares their share 50/50 with the syndicate portfolio the sale came through, who again shares their share 50/50 with the member..
When commercial advertising members have finished, the consumer members who are commercial/consumers and who want to join as a commercial advertising consumer/member will have the opportunity to give a 30-60 second introduction of themselves and follow the above routine. Please note that this is always based on time allowences.
Some internal business will be conducted - upcoming events, speed network events, trade BBQ events, Public Career Evenings, recognition ceremonies, community markets etc. We also conduct the pledge ceremony with new commercial advertising consumers/members, time permitting.
Outside these events in the car park and on grassy fields (depending on weather conditions) there will be commercial community markets under gazebo market stalls 3m x 3m space at a pre-booked cost of €20 Euro Dollars an hour from 5am to 5pm Sunday to Friday, leaving Shabbat/Sabbath Free for Worship between Friday 6pm to Saturday 6pm. Limited spaces at these event will encourage our commercial advertisers to act quickly in securing these lots. Gazebo, table and Chairs are available for Hire by pre-booking your Market Stall site.
A Network Card will be handed around to every member to arrange appointment times and dates for members to associate, get to know each other and do business, outside of the Private Business Meetings for extra activities. Trade BBQ's, Career Evenings, Fund-raising, Bingo Events, Shared Lunches, Family Picnic Days, Worship Gatherings, Wananga Education Days, Cultural and Dating Events and many other up-coming events occur outside these meetings.
There will be a 10 minute presentation on the GAIN Referral System and occasionally one of our Affiliate Companies and their products and services to encourage network growth with our invited visitors to join as new (FAM) financially active members.
Then... the real reason we get together... Referral Time! Each person stands, introduces themselves again, and give any referrals they have. Members get the opportunity to personally purchase products or services with the referral trade/barter credits at these meetings.
Visitors will follow in order with the group and when it is your turn you may give referrals, purchase products and services or simply comment on your reactions to the meeting and you can connect with your referring sponsor to take the initiative to join the GAIN Referral System so you can start earning referral trade/barter credits.
After the meetings members can share in the festivities outside but within the community market that is open to the public, but in a private setting for members ONLY.
21. Can I promote more than one business in a CONG Private Business Meeting?
No, you can only promote one primary, privately owned coop business in any CONG Private Business Meeting you attend. This includes visiting other Chapters. If you have multiple memberships you would need to organize a Substitute to present each different business. This way you are looked upon as a reputable business and not a scam artist. We build relationships based on trust, honor and a loyalty program. However, you can promote or recommend any other Advertising Consumers/Members business in your own Chapter or any other Chapter anywhere in the world.
22. How do I know new commercial members are reputable?
The application asks for references and we have a membership committee that checks them. Its word of mouth, so before a potential commercial member even comes to our meetings they had to have spoken to someone or been invited or referred by someone in the group. Everyone has to have a sponsor, or they join admin, and the sponsor interviews the applicant. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to make sure that the commercial is a reputable person or company before introducing them to the GAIN and CONG Referral Systems and everyone is subject to rules, protocols and recommendation, terms and conditions, privacy policies of each Chapter and above all the GAIN and CONG Ethical Marketing Standards. Our members are also proactive in calling people out, that are NOT legit as their behavior can affect the reputaion of our whole industry.
23. What if a Commercial Advertising Customer/Member gets a referral and does poor work?
We have an ethics committee and it is imperative that anyone who gives a lead and finds out it was not satisfactorily handled must report that to the membership committee, who will investigate. A breach may constitute a stand-down period to rectify the problem and if a severe breach occurs, it may constitute termination from the network entirely and a loss of any further entitlements.
24. What are my basic requirements as a consumer member?
To personally refer new members who become (FAM) financially active members every week. The foundation will be vigilant on this aspect of your business. We do recommend you refer as many people as you can in the shortest possible time to cover all your expenses and earn rewards that make your business profitable. We are a Business Advertising & Referral Network that relies heavily on the efforts of our Consumer and Commercial Advertising Members consistently referring New Memberships to earn rewards and shop with our participating Advertisers within our cooperative business alliance. Any credit rewards members receive must have 50% allocated to product and service purchases and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits or currency. This is made easier with the very small initating plege of €10 Euro Dollars to join the gain2umatrix.com mobile applcations for google play and apple iOS stores..
We expect our members to keep business in-doors before venturing out to non-participating Retail Outlets. This also increases business activity, sales, credibility and morale among fellow members who can also be commercial advertising members. We try to be vigilant in overseeing trading patterns to identify abuse like purchasing with credits but selling for crypto-currency or CASH to outside influences or non-member parties. If you purchase with credits your business should remain in credits, likewise with any other currencies. We have created opportunity with the Syndicate 1000 Group to earn CASH, BTC and TBC Crypto-Currencies and Crypto-Credits. If you are actively participating in the program, then you should never need to breach any terms and conditions of the network and if you do, it is at your own risk of losing your account.
To upgrade to the Platinum Membership Plan in the shortest possible time frame. This is to earn higher weekly recurring referral trade/barter credits. It is recommended that you upgrade to a level equal to, or greater than your sponsored member, to benefit from the correct referral trade/barter credit structure. Currently there is the Platinum Plan but in the near future other plans with higher rewards may be initiated.
To ensure all service fees, membership fees, advertising subscriptions, open business directory fees, annual renewal fees, weekly account maintenance fees and dues are all up-to-date and paid in full. It is your fiduciary responsibility to make sure they are paid on time, either by on-line auto debit, automatic payment authorities, credit/debit cards payments or weekly recurring PayPal or Stripe payment schedules, otherwise you may risk losing all entitlements and being terminated from the system.
The more you exchange fiat currency, crypto-currency or any quantum currency for energy exchange current-see, you are taking your fiduciary responsibility seriously to zero-balance the debt of hue-manities debt/sin/death ledger by operating solely in sovereign credits and our own private medium of echange.
To respect all fellow members by complying with the rules of engagement, protocols and recommendations of our online Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Frequently Asked Questions, Rules & Regulations and always abide by our Ethical Marketing Standards.
Members may be suspended or terminated for breach of conduct pertaining to any serious criminal convictions attained during the term of their Gain 2U Network Agreement. The behavior of our members reflects upon all members within our network. This will go under review with our Committee and Global Advertising Internet Network reserves the right to reject any member at any time, with or without reason on this matter. This may mean the loss of entitlements and termination of your membership(s) entirely.
This system was designed for building business trade, so we allow up to 50% currency exchange and the other 50% in product and service Trade and Exchange. Long-term investment savings can only be spent on products and services listed with our Group of COOP's who list big ticket items like residential housing, commercial or industrial buildings, vehicles, luxury toys, businesses ventures, franchise investments, boats, mobile campers, lifestyle etc.
25. What are the benefits for consumers using GAIN?
Consumers can benefit by shopping from the GAIN Online Shopping Portal, GAIN Global Trader, Syndicate 1000 Group or a CONG Private Business Meeting, from the commissions, discounts and rebates offered by the cooperative and the referral rewards for introducing people who purchase products and services advertised by our Commercial Advertisers.
Any credit rewards, members receive, must have 50% allocated to product and service exchanges and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits or currency. Eventually we expect everyone to be using our enegry exchange current-see solely without the need to use the debt instruments of fiat currency (money).
They can attend CONG Private Business Meetings to redeem their Trade/Barter Credits for products and services that are discounted or on promotion by our Commercial Advertising Members and they get to network with other members in our Global Network.
They can also benefit from inviting NEW people to the live meetings to watch the 10 minute presentations on the GAIN & CONG Referral & Loyalty Rewards Program to be encouraged to join our Global Network. Joining for FREE and the very small initiating pledge is always an enticement. Then the upgrades can occur later.
26. What are my basic requirements as an Advertising Customer?
To comply with the basic requirements of a consumer member, meeting their values, needs and wants .
To commit to a marketing success fee of 1/10th or 10% of the gross sale price of any item advertised within the GAIN 2U Network and in the CONG Private Business Meetings. Products and services can receive more attention, exposure and branding when promoted on the home page for a weekly cost of 500 credits/€ 500 Euro Dollars
Attend all CONG business meetings and if absent, have a substitute stand in for you. Three absentees for commercials in a one year period will force your position to become vacant and may be replaced with the same type of business.
Never be late for any meeting as we have an agenda that must be met. Lateness will be marked down as an absentee. Questions & Answers can be given after the meeting with your sponsor and / or the leadership team and not during the meeting. We do not tolerate outbursts in our organized meetings. Respect is earned and our Guardians Of Divinity are superb leaders in their prospective fields.
To start referring all your customers, business colleagues, business associates and all your social networks, right back to its natural resource to join the GAIN 2U Network, GAIN Global Trader, Syndicate 1000 Group, CONG, GAIN 2U Matrix, PayPal and Stripe.
To ensure all advertising fees, service fees, memberships, subscriptions and dues are all up-to-date and paid in full. It is your fiduciary responsibility to make sure dues are paid on time with top-ups, either by on-line vouchers, fund transfers, automatic payment authorities, auto debits or credit/debit cards with PayPal and Stripe, weekly recurring payment schedules, otherwise you may lose all entitlements and be terminated from advertising in the GAIN 2U Network, GAIN Global Trader and CONG Private Business Meetings, anywhere in the world.
27. What are the benefits for Commercial Advertising Members using GAIN?
Members can refer people to upgrade through membership payment plans to earn weekly recurring referral trade/barter credits and to build a network of consumers for future potential sales from the Online Shopping Portal, GAIN Global Trader, Syndicate 1000 Group and CONG Private Business Meeting. They can also exchange their trade/barter credits with other Commercial Advertising Members to be redeemed for products or services or store them with Central Finance & Investments Hub to save for big ticket items like houses, luxury toys or lifestyle.
Members can attend the CONG Private Business Meetings to promote and sell their products or services to get referrals that may lead to sales or benefit from networking with other business professionals, taking advantage of members buying privileges and participating in a local chapter’s activities at a cost of €200 Euro Dollars per meeting that includes a meal.
Any credit rewards members receive must have 50% allocated to product and service exchanges and the other 50% can be in accumulated credits.
Advertising Members who own or manage Retail Stores with many items have the option to list unlimited items and only pay a success fee of a 1/10th or 10% Tithe on any items sold.
28. What are ways to fast track my network?
Get a few friends together and open a group commercial advertising member’s account. Each individual must become a GAIN Consumer Member starting on the FREE Plan Membership level. You will need to concentrate on introducing New Memberships, being 10 or more people from each person of the Syndicate or Group. You will need to all become active business owners and start your own promotion at new venues with CONG. This way you will gain more market penetration.
Make it a habit to get everyone to join and upgrade to the Platinum Membership Level. At this level they would make 50% of the service fee from everyone they sponsor/refer who also upgrades to the same plan. As an example they would earn 50 to 50,000 Credits/€ 50,000 Euro Dollars every week on every person they personally introduce. The more people you introduce, the more rewards you earn. It's as simple as that.
Collect business cards and talk to everything that walks and talks and gather contact details to follow-up on, to create a client database.
Direct people to the Syndicate 1000 Group, GAIN 2U Network and GAIN Global Trader and CONG websites by your Email Referral Link, Text or Banner Link.
Join Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, branch out, Google Plus, Foursquare, Chamber of Commerce, Blogger, Xing, Talent.Me, Telegram, Whatsapp etc, and set up your social media marketing to be directed to the GAIN 2U Network website URL at http://www.gain2unetwork.com and If you are an advertiser you can also direct your network to your own product or service you are selling in the auction bidding site at https://gain2umatrix.com/ or http://www.gain-global-trader.com and you can use your own referral link to build your own support network, benefiting from your own disciplined efforts.
Our Moto is ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ (TEAM), so partner up for a team effort! Working together in a group scenario will always help your business network grow quicker and more sales are made from more referrals. This also encourages you to remain committed to the growth of your business.
Attend your local CONG Private Business Meetings with visitors and use your referral trade/barter credits to purchase products and services from Commercial Advertising Customers/Members and encourage your visitors to participate and join and to duplicate what you are doing.
Connect with Non-profit organizations and fund-raisers as well as your local community groups and churches. Go to community events and make regular connections with commercials and consumers. This can be done by attending trade network events and public career evenings.
Become a direct marketer visiting businesses and consumers at their doors. Invite them to a Local CONG Chapters to let them experience the vibe and what we have to offer.
Hold meetings at designated FREE venues like McDonalds, Burger King etc; to present the business opportunity.
Buy a GAIN debit card that has your trade/barter credits that can be used in our Online Shopping Portal or at any participating Retail Outlet that is a member of the GAIN Referral System. (These cards are still in the pipeline)
Contact Gavin to get Digital Business Cards ordered.
29. What are the different ways of generating income?
Getting paid to refer people and introduce memberships has never been easier online. Joining FREE or with the small initiating pledge, allows you to get to know how the GAIN Referral System works. It is also a small windows opportunity to start referring commercial advertising customers and new referral members. If you have your own website, after you have registered, It's as simple as pasting our Text Link or Banner into the pages of your own website for people to register or simply paste the Referral Link into an email to send to your friends, family and social network. Your back-office members login area has many tools to enable you to run a very successful business and Manpower Outsourcing has the members that provide voluntary community service for you to experience their ability to meet your needs in a working environment. Please remember that you will receive referral trade/barter credits ONLY when you become a paying member.
You can start networking with other Independent Business Owners in the CONG Private Business Meetings and contracting your services with job opportunities they might be offering.
Join for FREE or using the mobile apps start on the initiating pledge and when you upgrade to a platinum plan or through the 6 pledge and upgrade plans with the gain2umatrix.com site, financially active membership status you can start earning referral trade/barter credits on all personally sponsored people.
CONG offers business opportunities on-line with micro franchising and job opportunities with other affiliated cooperatives that sell products or services and pay tiered level compensation plans for business builders. NO multilevel marketing companies or any of their representatives can market their products through GAIN, Syndicate 1000 Group or CONG organizations, unless authorized by the owner/founder of this business.
Everything you do in the network can lead to an increase of wealth and prosperity. However, you are required to upgrade or to take small increment steps to an action or a financial investment. To get started on the road to abundance you need to:
Set up your line of CREDIT by registering on the FREE PLAN of the Godzone Credit Exchange. To qualify you will need to introduce 10 or more New Members within the first 2-4 weeks of joining and pay an upfront annual admin donation of €250 and start a €20 a month thereafter subscription to remain one year in advance.
Set up your line of SALES INCOME by registering on the Syndicate 1000 Group paying an upfront annual membership fee and start a monthly subscription to remain one year in advance.
Set up your RETIREMENT CAPITAL FUND by registering with Syndicate 1000 Group your expression of interest in a 30-year term with (6) Six, 5-year right of renewal intervals. A one-time Capital Pledge of €1,000 Euro Dollars and an ongoing Term Pledge of €20 Euro Dollars secures your position in a Syndicate with 1,000 pledges of €1,000 Euro Dollars from 1,000 People.
Set up an account with (NZ CONG) Coffee Outbreak Network Group for a pre-booked seat each month at their Business Breakfast Network. Currently you can purchase seats in advance on Paypal or Stripe and you can also pay through your internal credit-line, ewallet account through Global Advertising Internet Network Limited who owns the network and the CONG affiliate.network. Payments can be made HERE.
30. Can I promote other Network Marketing Companies?
No definitely not. If you are with any other network marketing company or you own your own network marketing business, you cannot promote that business unless you get strict approval from the Founder of this Business. You must first let CONG Headquarters know immediately upon joining and on approval you must join again directly under GAIN and CONG Headquarters/Admin direct. Any cross-recruitment is deemed to be a serious breach. Termination and black-listing in the GAIN and CONG global website is inevitable and this will be advertised on our websites and vigilantly enforced.
31. Is this a Pyramid?
NO, we are not a multilevel marketing company or have tiered commission structures. Instead, we are a one level ONLY affiliate referral company that pays trade/barter credits for referring financially active NEW Consumer and Commercial Advertising Memberships with the GAIN and CONG Referral System. We are deemd to be an affiliate referral marketing association of commercial and consumer subscribers.
You benefit from the membership subscriptions you sponsor personally and NO other levels. This is an affiliate referral marketing program where the company allows you to be rewarded for your effort with 50% Shares of the Platinum Plan Membership weekly subscriptions of those who you personally and directly sponsor. We simply provide the accounting platform to facilitate all trading activity and we are a private, exclusive and decentralized system in a private association with a private society using a private medium of exchange that has its own jurisdiction under divine lore/law natural law with (USA) Universal Sovereign Authority.
The Trading System is a facility that uses Digital Credits ONLY between private members (Trading Partners) exchanging products and services and all business trading activity is tracked and recorded for book keeping and accounting purposes where NO Cash, Money or Fiat Currency is used, other than your admin platform cost to cover running and operational costs. Imagine living a life you desire for an external cost of €240 Euro Dollars a year ONLY.
We do however have Affiliate Partners that do offer tiered revenue streams but still our program promotes a uni-level business model that concentrates on the direct down-line ONLY and our internal administration infrastructure has pre-set parameters or algorithms for commission and incentive reward payments.
32. Is there any guarantee that value would be made?
GAIN and CONG or any of our Affiliated Companies do not give any guarantees that you would make excessive amounts of value. It is only through your own personal efforts and your ability to social network and being committed to strengthening your business that leads to success. Please refer to the earnings disclaimer provided on this website. Again we would like to mention that we use a private medium of exchange called credit-euro energy exchange current-see.
33. How are items listed on the On-line Shopping Portal?
Our Advertising Package is for unlimited listings and we only charge a 1/10th or 10% tithe on any item(s) sold only. It is regarded as a success fee or marketing fee. After the approval process your item will be listed in a category and in order of time placement. To create more sales, may require a promotional listing to give you better company exposure and brand awareness. If you would like to have featured, bold, more information or higher rankings for your listed items there will be further costs, charged in credit. Note that on the gain2unetwork site and the gain2umatrix site, everything is down from your back-office members login area and you must be logged in via an internet service provider.
34. What do I do if I have a dispute about a member in GAIN or CONG?
We believe in solving any dispute quickly to avoid morale breakdown by first, you trying to sort it out with the person involved. If unsuccessful, take a witness and if you are still unsuccessful you would need to then approach your sponsor or venue leader. If still unresolved, then it would resort to GAIN and CONG’s disputes resolutions committee dealing with the dispute and suspension to rectify or termination would be pending upon proof of serious misconduct or any other serious breach.
35. What is a (FAM) financially active member?
A (FAM) financially active member is a member that is up-to-date with all their service fees, memberships, advertising subscriptions and dues and an active member is a member that is attending the CONG Private Business Meetings every month and referring new financially active members that exchanges 50% of their credit rewards on products and services within the network and are active sales promoters of advertised products and services as a minimum requirement.
36. When do I get paid?
Credit payments are instant. As soon as you have referred a NEW Member and they have made their service fee payment through a weekly auto-debit or another form of recurring weekly payment schedule, rewards can be available and can be accessed immediately.
Advertisers must have enough credit in their e-wallets to cover the success fee of 10%, of the values of any items listed. Consumers can apply for a voucher code for the remaining balance and email it to the advertiser to redeem or use another payment method acceptable to the advertiser. Vouchers and Fund Transfer tools can be found in your back-office members area.
37. How do I know when someone has joined me?
First, before anyone you refer joins they must enter a sponsor’s username or sponsors member ID number. This determines who referred that particular person and you would receive an email notification. In a members back-office genealogy area you can view your sponsored members who have recently joined you.
38. What happens when Members don't pay their Service and Advertising fees or sponsor any new financially active member each week?
It’s a simple answer. All rewards stop, including the right to advertise. If a member fails to pay their weekly service or advertising fee, they may risk losing any future income and may face their membership being terminated entirely. If the before happens then the person who referred that member would lose that weeks, rewards pay-out, and may lose it entirely if the member is terminated. If however, it was an oversight by the member, then there would be a remedial process between admin and that member. We encourage sponsors of such a member to make contact with them to get them back on track.
39. How long is my membership term?
We simply believe in longevity, meaning a long-term business relationship, so your membership is for your lifetime or until the day you miss your subscription fees, annual renewal fees and any dues or cease living. Our company slogan is 'Till death do us Part'. As long as you pay ALL your subscription fees, introduce people each week, spend 50% of your earnings back in the system with our advertisers and always do good business dealings, your income will continue to be paid until you cease living.
40. How much can I withdraw out of my e-wallet account?
The system has been configured to allow you to withdraw up to 50% of the total balance once a month with a minimum withdrawal of 100 Credits. You will incur fees that are equivalent to 10 Credits fixed bank cost for a 7-day clearance or up to 25 Credits for a same-day clearance, plus a 10% exchange transfer fee of any withdrawal amount. You can withdraw using a voucher or fund transfer to another credit account. This can be done if you decide to bequeath your credit to anybody. Please note that if you intend to bequeath your credits to another member, then the company reserves the right for explanation and confirmation of such action by the member or an individual with power of attorney to the deceased estate, accompanied by a will and testament and/or private discretionary trust that has been authorized by the deceased beforehand as a settlor of the trust.
41. Do I need to open a € Euro Dollar Currency Account?
NO. We deal in credit and your e-wallet is instant. We do not exchange externally from the system as we wish to remain private, exclusive and decentralized from the public as to bring NO Harm. If however, you purchase or sell using cash or euro dollar then yes if you are receiving a direct bank wire or transfer from us. Wise can set you up a Euro Account HERE. However, we recommend to set up a Pay Pal or Stripe accounts that automatically converts € Euro Dollars into your own currency that is transferred to your own bank account.
42. Can I use my e-wallet account balance to pay for product or service exchanges?
Yes, there is a selection of payment options and the e-wallet account is one of them. In fact we have now officially made it the ONLY selection on the gain2unetwork.com site.
43. Why do the amounts of the purchase price differ from the actual member plans, ad plans, products and services sale prices?
All payments from the PayPal or Stripe gateways incurs fixed and percentage fees that are additional to your purchase price and these amounts will be added to your final purchase price. In your back-office area you can select the e-wallet payment option, vouchers or the PayPal and Stripe payment gateway. These additional expenses are to do with PayPal and Stripe and what they charge. Everyone needs to get their cut right! We have recently been taking the costs of such transactions but this is a privilege not a burden to the company for your valiant efforts as a true sales-force for GOD Almighty IO.
44. Who is subject to taxes?
In our New Paradigm there is NO taxes, extorting people for undue expense. Rather everyone pays a transaction due of 1/10th or 10% tithing. However, choices are always available to our members. Remember pay Caesar his things and pay GOD Almighty his, by decree and law.
In New Zealand, all products and services are subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) if paying by cash. All members must pay taxes in their own country’s currency to their own taxation system if you are using their currency or debt instruments. If you use CASH, Money, Fiat currencies then by law you must pay tax on those instruments as they own the commodity. Our internal digital credits are our own property in our private and exclusive decentralized system and are not controlled by governing agencies or the elite banking cartel. The products and services you exchange in most cases have already been taxed and they are your property to exchange.
45. Can my membership be sold or willed or bequeathed to my family?
YES. Your membership is paid until the day you cease living, so as long as someone can maintain your account after the fact, by letter of authority, trust deed, power of attorney it should be Okay. It cannot be sold but the membership can be changed to the new owner with the company's approval ONLY. Conditions may apply to substantiate the claim. Memberships belong to the person who originally set it up, so the authority must come from them. Any fraudulent activity around ownership of a members account will result in suspension of the account to substantiate the claim or permanent termination from the program will occur. If you wish to bequeath your accounts funds to a person or persons, you can transfer your funds by a request to transfer. Please note a 1/10th or 10% tithe will be deducted from all transfers.
46. Who is exempt from sponsoring new members to qualify for entitlements?
Children from the age of 0 years to under 18 years and Retired Members over the age of 67 years are exempt from introducing new members each week. However, they are still required to exchange 50% of their credits for products or services and pay their weekly subscriptions to remain active.
47. Can I sell the products and services I have purchased?
Yes, they can be relisted as a classified, auction or tender advertisement from your back-office administration panel under an advertising package that suits you or it can be listed in the https://gain2umatrix.com/ or www.gain-global-trader.com auction bidding site or the Syndicate 1000 Group's website Store.
48. Can I discount the products and services?
Yes, you have purchased them so therefore you own them and can sell them for whatever price you like. It does not matter what price you list your items for as you have lost nothing, because the credits you purchased the items with, you got for free though our loyalty rewards program and your membership support network.
49. Can I credit other member’s accounts?
YES, Simply download a voucher code for the amount you require. Email the voucher code to the member in question so they can redeem it with head office. Otherwise list an advertisement solely for the purpose of receiving credit. This way the system automatically deducts GOD's tithing in the exchange. Another way is using the Fund Transfer facility in the gain2umatrix.com site.
50. How much is the success fee charged on items sold?
In the internal GAIN 2U Network site, every item sold will incur a 1/10th or 10% marketing success fee. In GAIN Global Trader the auction site, a marketing success fee for items sold is between 0% - 10% and may have an upfront list fee cost ranging between €0 - €648 Euro Dollars and be subject to a term. NO SALE, NO CHARGE.
51. What are the reasons for termination?
- If guilty of any serious misconduct or dishonesty which, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, is incompatible with your position within the Company or which may otherwise prejudice or injure or tend to prejudice or injure the reputation of the affairs of the Company or any of the Company’s related companies, investors, shareholders, customers or clients.
- Commits a proven criminal act and is convicted of that act.
- Breaches the ethical marketing standards of the Company.
- Not meeting the membership obligations of introducing new members, not paying ALL dues and not spending 50% of all earnings on products and services within the network.
- Regular Default payments
- NO reasonable excuse for NOT completing ANY transaction that is accepted.
- Abuse of any member by way of a threat of violence, especially the guardians of divinity and above all Gavin Marsich and GOD Almighty I'O.
52. Do I have to move my Bank Accounts across to the GAIN 2U Network?
If you would like fair and equitable trade in the credit system, we are happy to exchange your currency. You would need to collateralize your back office e-wallet account with value for value based on the currency of (€) Euro Dollars. All your revenue streams can be exchanged for credit-euro with the COMPANY ONLY as the commodities such as the private medium of exchange called credit-euro, Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society and the GAIN2U Network Private Contract Association is privately owned and under the jurisdiction of GOD Almighty I'O and his (USA) Universal Sovereign Authority.
PLEASE NOTE: The fiat currency collected will eventuall eliminate hue-manities debt to society. We use 10% towards the internal administration infrastructure and the monthly service charges are what we run the operations on. This is entirely at the discretion of the Head AD-Minister for the divine order of Supreme Creator.
53. What if I don’t want to participate in the Pay It Forward Program?
It’s a real simple answer. You would be terminated from our System entirely and not have the opportunity again. Remember, choices must be made before you enter into any agreement or ark of the covenant with our collective cooperative business alliance.
54. What is “Mana Tangata Whanau O Kawena Hone Tarara Matawherongaoko Mahitahi”?
It is the Family Trust of Kawena Hone Tarara Matawherongaoko under the “Divine Universal Sovereign Ministry” and has been set up by Gavin Marsich to protect his and God's investments. The most precious jewels of all....his family. Gavin has vowed that whoever hurts his family, their portion of life and their eternal flame will be extinguished for all time, never to see life or light again. YOU are his family, so pay special attention to this decree as we progress into a world of peace, harmony, abundance and eternal blessings.
55. What is the Divine Universal Sovereign Ministry?
It is the Ministry of Yahuah controlled by Yahushua and Kawena(Gavin). A Charitable Trust that disburses funds down-stream to replenish the population of the system. Enticing people to join and focusing on hue-manitarian projects and infrastructure. The remodeling of our future and the replenishing of Papatuanuku our mother earth.
Please feel free to forward any questions to [email protected] or [email protected] so we can add them to our long list of Frequently Asked Questions?